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Nuclear Equipment Design and Fabrication

MS Technology has a proud history of partnerships with multiple fabricators allowing us to provide optimum delivery models that reduce risk to delivery and performance, assure compliance with customer design and quality requirements, and meet schedule and budget. Our design team applies a graded approach to quality using our audited NQA-1 compliant program for the most critical applications and projects. We offer time and money savings by following commercial standards and commercial grade dedication when possible. 
Our teams regularly design complex manufacturing and process systems that operate in a system of confinement or inert atmospheres. Examples include multi-step processing metallic uranium in glove boxes. Our design work starts with rigorous definition of requirements documents to ensure achievable project performance. Manipulation of equipment, robotics, and high energy environments are a normal part of our concepts, plus we design with maintainability in mind. 
We build bench and lab-scale equipment in a development space, using surrogate materials. Afterward, we team with local companies to demonstrate processing with uranium-bearing materials. 

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