"You guys have been great. I can't tell you how impressed I am with your organization."
-Todd Graves, Engineering Design Manager
TRISO-X Fuel Fabrication Facility
X-Energy, LLC
MS Technology is thrilled to be a process design partner for the commercialization of the most robust Nuclear Fuel on earth.
X-energy has reinvented the TRISO Fuel manufacturing process to produce higher yields and higher quality fuel pellets. MSTI is now assisting X-energy in taking this revolutionary new nuclear fuel for small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) from the laboratory to the manufacturing floor. Specifically, MSTI is working as a key subcontractor to X-energy for the design of the fuel fabrication process and the production facility. When the design is complete, the process will be installed in a new fuel fabrication facility. Visit TRISO-X Overview. (nrc.gov) for more on this project.
Doing great work, serving great clients.
We deliver. Again. And again.

" MS Technology proudly invested hundreds of thousands of company dollars through annual technology investments to continue our microwave furnace development during periods that our customers were exploring other options. In the end, our technology prevailed!"
-Harbans Singla, MSTI Founder and Chairman of the Board
Microwave Melting and Casting Furnace
Undisclosed Government Client
MS Technology led a multi-year effort to advance and prove the commercial viability of melting and casting high-purity metals using microwave energy succeeding where many others had failed.
Faced with antiquated infrastructure challenges and safety concerns, our customer funded numerous development projects enabling MS Technology scientists and engineers to significantly advance both wave-guide and crucible technology to create a highly reliable microwave melting and casting furnace. For several years MSTI operated two fully functional furnace prototypes melting multiple metals including depleted uranium.
Building on the success of operating and improving two furnace units, MSTI was awarded a project to design and build a prototype furnace to be integrated into a fully functional glove box. This project led to the advancement of the technology to an acceptable level for commercialization approval in support of a major capital project modernizing operations for the customer.

“The International Council of Systems Engineering (INCOSE) defines Enterprise Systems Engineering as the application of systems engineering principles, concepts, and methods to the planning, design, improvement, operation and disposal of the elements of enterprise.”
Systems Engineering Program Development Services
Confidential Government Customer
MSTI is rapidly expanding into leadership of the digital transformation of requirements management solutions.
Since 2016, MS Technology has provided SMEs designing and implementing the Enterprise Architecture for the IBM Rationale DOORS® (DOORS) requirements management tool, now required by the customer’s INCOSE-based Requirements Engineering Management Plan (REMP). Many members of our Team have a background of development within a CMMI Level 5 organization – the highest possible maturity level as assessed by Department of Defense (DoD) and industry standards. These team members are also SMEs in System Architecture development, Modeling and Analysis, Risk and Opportunity Management, Configuration Management and Change Control.
As demand for services grew, MSTI expanded the capabilities of the team through the addition of Advanced Automation Corporation for their expertise in system acceptance through the use of DOORS. Collectively, our approach utilizing DOORS accomplishes Independent Verification and Validation, where we generated a Requirements Verification Trace Matrix (RVTM) as part of our joint DOORS Acceleration Project (DAP). MSTI and AAC have now formed a joint venture, Heritage Systems Engineering, through which we are serving multiple National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) sites with advanced implementation of INCOSE Systems Engineering solutions for requirements management.

“The International Council of Systems Engineering (INCOSE) defines Enterprise Systems Engineering as the application of systems engineering principles, concepts, and methods to the planning, design, improvement, operation and disposal of the elements of enterprise.”
Design and Analysis for Multiple Gloveboxes
Extract Technology
MSTI is the “go-to” provider for specialty engineering analysis and design support for Extract Technology’s nuclear glovebox business
Extract Technology, a leading manufacturer of containment and aseptic systems for the pharmaceutical, healthcare, biotech, cell therapy, radiopharmaceutical, nuclear defense and chemical markets turns to MS Technology for specialty design of nuclear gloveboxes specifically for the Department of Energy. MSTI’s extensive experience with process piping, fire detection, and seismic analysis for DOE/NNSA facilities compliments Extract Technology’s 50 years' experience in the design and manufacture of innovative, high-quality glovebox solutions. MSTI works from framing and general arrangement documents prepared by Extract Technology’s engineers to perform ASME analysis and finite element structural analysis jointly to customize piping arrangements and refine structural members and connections to assure nuclear quality level compliance.